
There’s alot of material for learning about software product development but not as much for hardware.

Unfortunately the barrier to entry for learning about hardware is high. Yet physical products change the world, and are key to our future. There’s a special feeling in actually crafting, fabricating, testing, and using a physical product.

While there are blog posts individually catered for engineers, product managers, and designers these are all separate perspectives and lack overall context into the bigger picture.

This results in HW PMs without an appreciation for execution and HW engineers or industrial designers who are disconnected from the customer or profitability.

Naturally then, As a HW product manager and former engineer I’m trying to build a holistic community around insights from this world.


  • 0 → 1 lessons on ideating, launching, & scaling HW

  • User research, pricing, & alpha/beta testing

  • HW PRDs, design, engineering, & regulations

  • Manufacturing technologies, supply chain, & quality

Subscribe to Building Hardware

Making learning about hardware easier. 0 to 1 insights on building physical products from a Tesla and Apple alum. For product managers, designers, engineers, and non technical enthusiasts.


Making learning about hardware easier. 0 to 1 insights on building physical products from a Tesla and Apple alum. For product managers, designers, engineers, and non technical enthusiasts.